Bee House
|Mui Wo
「大海之水,朝生為潮,夕生為汐」 海水一天的兩次升降,古人稱午前的為潮,午後的為汐。 人類跟著太陽的時間生活,一朝一夕,總共 24 小時。 岩岸生物則跟著月亮的時間生活,一潮一汐,總共 24 小時 50 分鐘, 因著潮汐,岩岸在不同高度的溫度跟受浪程度都有很大的差異。 岩岸由低至高,海藻的顏色層層漸變,在上面生活的生物在每層也不一樣。 數米高差之間的生活多樣性比陸地上幾百米之間的還高。 生活在岩岸的生物把月亮的時間呈現在海岸線的空間之上。 因為潮汐,海岸線不再只是一條線。 在這次展出,我們希望把這個時間呈現在空間的過程具體地展現出來。 "Water of the great sea –
2023年11月04日 下午9:00 – 下午10:00
Mui Wo, 香港梅窝
Display of algae/biofilm colonized on acrylic disks which will be deployed on the shore for over 2 months. We will make use of the sharp physical gradient on rocky shores and depict the influence of the tide on coastal biodiversity using algal/biofilm colonization from the low to high shore (immersed by the tide for different periods of time). Disks with colonized biofilm (expected colonization time: Aug to Nov, 2023) from seven shores in the interisland region will then be displayed side by side to reflect on tidal-driven differences in algal composition, the variation in physical environments between shores within the region, and ultimately how time is being entailed through differences in space.
Shore morphology and assemblage structure will also be displayed in both 2D (etching of species distributions on acrylic plates) and 3D formats (silicone casting / 3D print of rock topography on the shore) to visualize variations in both biodiversity patterns and physical environments.
To link such displays to the actual coastal environment, temperature loggers will be deployed at the same tidal heights where the algal/biofilm disks will be deployed at a rocky shore on Peng Chau. Temperature time series will be recorded from the low to high shore and shown along with the disk display. The public will also be able to download and monitor temperatures by themselves when they visit the shore, via a mobile app to scan and download temperature data from the loggers.